This blog was started, and is intended to illustrate that environmentalism happens through small acts, is not difficult, and that it does not always have to be some big life changing event that forces you to live in the tree tops with no electricity. All that being said, one of my small acts was to start this blog to gain some friends to help me save the world.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday

I would like to start off by saying that I hope everyone had a great Earth Day yesterday.  Hopefully we all did something that will benefit the planet in some way.  My efforts to better the planet came to me in gift formation.  Yes I recently celebrated another birthday (don't worry if you did not send a gift, there are no deadlines, kidding of course, and don't even bother asking how old, I will put it this way I only sort of remember when fire was invented anyhoo), and received two lovely gifts that I wanted to share.  The first gift was an awesome drying wrack.  I love it, and now that the weather is warming up, I am able to use it a bit more.  This particular item is allows me to place things that normally would require extra time in the electric dryer.  Things like cloth diapers and or big rugs, whatever really, are placed on the wrack, are then generally forgotten about by me, and by the time I remember again they are dry.  Just saved an entire dryer session.  So lovely.  It does not require clothes pins so that is nice and it also does not require assembly or hanging a line (which is just as good an option).  Anyway for people like me it is perfect and I love it.  And I am sure my wallet with thank me too, as I am hoping it may put a small dent in the power bill.  Anyway great gift or just everyday idea if you want to try it, of course that is if you are not already doing it.  I know there are tons of people out there, especially in warmer climates, that are way smarter than me and use the sun to dry clothes without me telling them.  Just thought.
The other gift was an awesome container from Tupperware.  It is called FLATOUT!  And guess what, it is designed to use for things like oh I don't know, taking leftovers home from restaurants.  Sounds like Leftover Love to me.  Another awesome gift that I am very grateful to have received.  So if you have not found a container yet to use as your reusable doggy bag, this is a great one to look into.  Here is the link if you are interested.
Thank you to all for all my birthday gifts, and to all the people that gave them to me.  Your generosity and support means so much to me.

So last thing just another super desperate plea to get 40 more signatures on the petition.  Lets keep the momentum going.

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